
I will be writing up a little bit of research on the New Zealanders buried in the cemetery today. First, though I would be interested in how people define “Nationality”. Is it the uniform they wear? Where they are born. Did they swim in British waters like fish, or something completely different?

2 thoughts on “Nationality

  1. withSP71

    An hugely weak answer but nationality is one’s nation, in which one was born or one has come to principally identify with. I’m thinking of my work on the early modern Mediterranean, in which one’s ethnic identity was clear but one could add to it, by choice or otherwise. Take, for instance, an Englishman ‘turned Turk’. He still remained, in others’ eyes certainly, English. I like the old word ‘Native’ as used by Hardy. I am a native of Canterbury though I have not lived there for many years.

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